Monday, March 28, 2011

Breadcrumb 6 - Ginger Bread

I kept thinking about telling Ace.While cleaning my apartment...

... while thinking of inventions... Which was not really in my advantage, as I kept on hammering on my fingers.
And every How-To-Be-A-Mommy-book was talking about the influence and presence of a father. "The father should get involved with the child through rough-and-tumble play."

Okay, obvious the outside world was trying to send me a message.

And it wasn't like my lab coat would longer conceive my growing belly. If it wasn't for the maternity leave he would definitely have noticed my sudden different appearance.

But how was I ever going to tell him? And wasn't it a bit too late to come with it now? "Oh, now I remember... I got pregnant. From who? You, of course! Just forgot to mention!" Really?!

And Jessica just kept on pointing out to me I really needed to reveal it to Ace by now.

"You just can't keep up with it forever, Gin."

"Well, I've done a pretty good job till now," I answered, kind of as a joke. But to Jessica this was no joke material.

"Come on now, Ginger. You need to tell!"

It wasn't this conversation, however, that convinced me.

It was this strange thing that fell down from heaven, just after Jessica's last words. As an answer to... my questions? I don't know. It was the strangest, and most unexpected thing that ever happened to me. But doesn't my life consist of strange and unexpected things anyway?

It had been a meteorite. Do these things even exist? Really? Anyway, it made me realize that anything could happen. You know, maybe I'd die the other day. I could have died today, you know... And my baby too. So, maybe I should tell Ace. Like, if I died and the baby survived, where should it go? (I still don't know if it was going to be a boy or a girl - the quizzes in the magazine predicted it will be a girl, and I hope it will be a girl!)

I was going to tell Ace. Tomorrow. It was already late in the evening.

Late in my gestation period as well, it turned out (of course I knew...). Because that particular night, the night I decided I would finally tell Ace, I went into labor. I sent a quick text to Ace:


... and called for a taxi.

Maybe not the best way to announce someone was going to be dad. And Ace was probably... let me say, taken aback. Pretty much.

I felt him staring when we got back. Giving birth had been terribly painful, and the nurses hadn't even thought about cleaning me. I was such a mesh when we got home. Home as in... my place. Not his. I was still burned from the meteorite attack. Can you believe they didn't even patch me up?!

So there I was, standing in my close-to-nothing-ness, caring this baby. Which was mine. And his.

"So, this is our son," Ace said in a neutral tone. He didn't seem that perplexed. Later I would discover it was just something in his character that made it easier for him to deal with these strange things in life. He was like that himself, so when something was unexpected it wasn't that unexpected to him. You'll probably understand better at another point in time.

"This is our little Rye Bread," I responded. Because our boy is going to be hardy, like rye. It turned out to be true from the beginning. When he slipped out of the nurse's hands he didn't give a cry. Hope it won't have any consequences, though.

"You know what... Maybe we should move in together," I said impulsively. I hadn't given it a thought really. And there was nothing romantic about it. Let's just move in together. Tha't's all I said.

And "okay" was all Ace said.


  1. Oh.... I like :)
    Wahaha meteorite attack lolzzzz :D

    Oh yeah I every time forget to mention: thanks for changing the lettertype :D

  2. Yeah, so I did change it! I started to get annoyed by it myself. Probably gonna change the lay-out of the page in some time, because it still doesn't look the way I'd want it to!

    And that meteorite, that just came out of nothing... Jessica and Ginger were just sitting, talking, and then just... METEORITE ATTACK. Quite unexpected!
